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Dog trainer Sara Scott wearing black jeans, a black vest, and glasses moves forward while looking down at a gray pitbull breed dog attentively heel walking happily next to her. The athletic short-haired dog maintains focus looking up at the trainer as they practice controlled leash skills outdoors. Conveys professional dog training and behavior services in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Oakland Dog Trainer and Behavior Specialist 

Certified professional dog trainer Sara Scott provides effective, customized training programs for all breeds and behavior issues throughout Oakland, San Francisco and the entire Bay Area.

With over 25 years experience, Sara specializes in:

  • Leash Reactivity Training

  • Aggression Modification

  • Aggressive Behavior Support

  • Fear and Anxiety Relief

  • Dog Bite History Evaluations

  • Separation Anxiety Help

  • Puppy Programs

  • Resource Guarding Rehab

  • Nose Work Games

  • Confidence Games

  • Cooperative Care and Handling

Sara helps dogs overcome common problems like:

  • Aggression with dogs or people

  • Separation anxiety

  • Excessive barking

  • House soiling

  • Chewing and destruction

  • Pulling on leash

  • Basic Manners

  • Resource Guarding

  • Muzzle Training

  • Jumping Up

  • Biting 

  • Frustration 

Using proven techniques tailored to your dog, Sara delivers an well mannered, happy companion that brings peace of mind.

Contact Sara today to get professional dog training in the Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area from a certified behavior expert.


Please contact Sara if you have questions about any behavior problems. 


Sara also offer private training on topics such as:

  • Basic through advanced level obedience

  • Good manners

  • Clicker training

  • Preparation for the Canine Good Citizen test

  • Puppy training and socialization

  • Tricks and special skills

  • Rally Obedience

  • Competition Heeling and Obedience

  • Tug and toy play

  • K9 Nose Work

Sara enjoy working with all kinds of dogs, and have a special fondness for pit bulls and other bully breeds.  These muscle bound hounds are our favorites!

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