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The Role of Gut Health in Dog Behavior: Insights from a Veterinary Behaviorist

Gut health has become a buzzword in both human and veterinary medicine, and it’s not without reason. We’re starting to uncover just how interconnected our dogs’ digestive systems are with their overall well-being—and even their behavior! But what does that mean for you and your dog?

In a world where behavior issues like anxiety, food guarding, and reactivity are common, could your dog’s gut health be playing a hidden role? The latest discussions around the “gut-brain axis” are starting to suggest that the key to understanding some of these behavioral challenges might lie in the gut.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Sophie Liu, a veterinary behaviorist, to explore this emerging topic. In our conversation, we tackled questions many dog owners have—could adjusting my dog’s diet improve their behavior? How can I tell if my dog’s behavior is linked to gut issues? These are important questions that all dog owners should be asking, especially those dealing with chronic behavior problems.

If you’re curious about how your dog’s gut health could be influencing their actions, you’ll want to dive into this conversation. From practical tips on supporting your dog’s gut to understanding how this emerging science could shape the future of behavior modification, this interview covers it all.

Read the full interview here to discover how gut health could be the missing piece in solving your dog’s behavior puzzle and learn what steps you can take to support their overall well-being.


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